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Professor Martin Sampson Retired

Associate Professor Martin Sampson, faculty member at the University of Minnesota since 1977, has retired. Professor Sampson taught both undergraduate and graduate level courses, focusing on U.S. foreign policy, global environmental politics, theories of foreign policy, and the Middle East. From 1993 to 1998, he was the coordinator of the department’s five-year exchange with Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey (a relationship that influenced his teaching and research at the University). Among other contributions, Professor Sampson was a faculty liaison to the Minnesota State legislature for seven years, promoting the importance of Minnesota’s only research university. 

Professor Sampson felt that being a professor at the U was “a privilege” because of the students, stating “it was my job to help make a difference for people, and it was my privilege to have that job.” Students and teaching clearly were his priority. At one point, when offered additional administrative responsibilities that would have sharply cut his teaching load, Sampson refused, commenting, “as long as this country is at war in Iraq...it’s irresponsible to stop teaching a course on US policy in the Middle East.”

An incredible instructor who demonstrated passion for his students and his work at the University, Professor Sampson will be missed by students and faculty alike. His contributions through the years were numerous, ranging from teaching, to publications on culture and foreign policy decision-making, to outreach, to Director of Graduate Studies and more. When asked about retirement he said it’s “a work in progress.”